Wednesday, December 6, 2023
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Compliment lineage visualization systems by adding a larger selection of connectors into your metadata to allow you to see data lineage for more of your enterprise systems. We will discuss how we have expanded the ability to see your unique systems from a data lineage perspective. Demonstrations will be available during the DGIQ Conference.
Ron’s experience includes more than 10 years of working in policy-driven data governance and more than 20 years in enterprise database and data warehousing systems. His industry expertise includes finance, healthcare, and consumer product goods. Ron’s expertise is in strategic planning, systems architecture, and program and project management. His tactical experience includes analytics development, architecture, ETL, and database administration. Ron has experience in both Big 4 and boutique professional services organizations. Ron holds an MBA from the University of California and an MSCS from the University of Colorado.